"what causes fever?"

"why do we get sick?"

"What happen in case of Infection"

If you don't know then don't worry because I am going to tell you about a very advance security system that you might have ever might have seen many movies where some robbers tries to break into a security system. similarly ,Our immune system is the biggest security system where thief like pathogens tries to break in. 

Do you know that our body is continuously fighting a war in order to protect us from pathogens like bacteria ,virus etc.We are continuously surrounded by enemies (bacteria and virus) but still we rarely get sick.Our Immune system plays a very important role to protect us from these unforeseen foreign organism.

how does our immune system works
immune system

हिन्दी मे पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करे

These are some defense that our immune system has:


"RED FORT" a fort that is made up of flesh .Yes ! I am talking about our skin and body.
Every security system is incomplete without a strong building infrastructure and in case of our body "SKIN" is that FORT that is not very easy to infiltrate .

This FORT is full of traps like sweat,saliva,tiny hairs,Eye fluid ,Stomach acid,mucous etc.Some of these traps just prevent pathogens from entering into our body but  some of these traps are deadly Once any pathogen fall into these traps then I doubt that they would able to come back alive.

So, BEWARE ! because infiltrating in this RED FORT (SKIN/BODY) is not a easy deal.
Our skin and physical barriers try their best to stop pathogen from entering in our body but There are some strong and clever enemies that are able to breach this RED FORT.
but Don't worry Even if enemy able to breach our skin they have to  go through our security guards.

 PHAGOCYTES are similar to Giant security guards that Eat any intruders .So BEWARE! because you don't want to be spotted by these GIANTS .PHAGOCYTES has many types like
  These are our suicide squad they self destruct after devouring a pathogen.They are the most abundant White Blood cells.You probably seen piles of their dead body in form of PUS.
   These are GIANT GLUTTON they love eating .
  1. Some of these GIANTS GLUTTONS are lazy so, they just sit in a specific place and wait for intruder to pass.
  2.  Some of these  GIANTS GLUTTONS are greedy, so they patrol in our body so that they can Eat more number of pathogens.
macrophages function
macrophages at work
These are our TINY ASSASSINS that can kill even our own cell if they are infected with pathogens. BEWARE! of this cell because it don't differentiate between friend and foe.
These TINY ASSASSINS believes in perfection.

  • Some time the number of enemies is so large that our GIANTS security guards are not able to handle them then in this case they raise a RED ALERT.
  • RED ALERT results in increase in body temperature ,increasing in the metabolism of cells to provide support to our security cell.Increase in temperature reduces the strength and growth of our  unforeseen foreign organism.
  • Best strategist always takes advantages of their surrounding .Our security Guards may be GLUTTONS or GIANTS but they aren't fools.So, Next time if you have a fever then Don't blame pathogens because its our Security Guards who is responsible for FEVER.

Sometime it happen that our PATHOGEN in a formidable foe and in this type of emergency situation specialist are summoned.

Summoning a specialist is not a easy task because they don't activate until unless they get the proof of  PATHOGEN. So, DENDRITC cell acts as a SPY.They kills the PATHOGEN and took its body part(Antigen) as a proof to specialist.

Our first specialist is B-CELL .They evolve once they get the Antigen.They start producing Antibodies and Memory B-cell to fight against these unforeseen organism
  • Antibodies sticks to the pathogens and make them practically useless.Once they become useless  white blood cells like MACROPHAGES are easily able to eat them.
  • Memory B-cell are our Librarians they keep record of all encountered unforeseen organisms.So, in case if in future if same pathogen will attack us then we can easily able to kill them.
    t lymphocytes and b lymphocytes
    t lymphocytes and b lymphocytes

Our World is full of dangerous Pathogens so Sometime we encounter OMEGA PATHOGENS that is able to bypass all of our highly advance security system.Since its do or die situation .Therefore T-CELL is activated;

Our second Specialist is T-CELL.They also get evolve after receiving a ANTIGEN.They start producing helper T-cell, Cytotoxic , memory T-cell etc.
  • Helper T-Cells
They are like a commander of a army .They communicate and bring together all the strong white blood cells that can kill a enemy.Its all out war therefore they try to gather as many worrier as possible.
  • Cytotoxic
They are our ROYAL GAURDS .They are our killing machines.They are very strong and deadly T cells that kills anyone that is infected by PATHOGEN.

  • MEMORY T-Cell
T-cell are also our librarians that keep record of all the Pathogens so that in future they can be easily neutralized.

When T-cell is activated then it mean it's do or die situation .so, you can feel high fever and sickness.
All of these cell Fight until they die except MEMORY cells as their work is to keep record of all the pathogens.
Even if we win this war and neutralize all the pathogens from our body most of the cells that generated during this process commit suicide as in this whole war vast amount of cells has been generated and if they don't commit suicide then our body will not able to provide necessary food to this huge army.

Every day millions of cell die in order to keep us alive.So, BEWARE ! because you are always surrounded by millions of pathogens.So, Eat a balance diet and put a small contribution in this body war.

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